LAMP – PHP MySQL Tracking
This Library is Purely made in Core PHP so that it can be useful for All PHP Frameworks and for Custom CMS.

GPS Tracking Device on Linux based
Benefits of TRACCAR and its possible usage …
– Any Vehicle Tracking / maintain history
– Can be used for personnel tracking
– Can be used as a commercial solution as well
– Can be used to track your lost mobile phone
– You can inquire about location by sending SMS to the device and it will return sms you the location
with URL [this feature will be implemented later]
– Maintain History and Track of the device and speed of vehicles with addresses
– Many others

It is made with HTMl5 CSS3 And PHP Ajax Jquery.

Use this Library for greater use I have implemented multiple ways to use it and utilized 10 possibilities after use of this Library me and my colleague found it most sophisticated and feasible solution for Industrial use .
This scripts can be use for Intranet , Extra-net or For Public Domain Websites.
Visit to Download
Library is Open source and there is no any copyright. Do one thing spread to the people who wants there software to get accomplish within less time.
This Libraries used in Many Framework such As Phalcon . Laravel , Code Ignitor , YII , Zend Framework and Custom CMS of PHP .

Large server Cloud hosting This will give you good performance.

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